Saturday, January 3, 2009

003 - Olimar Commands

So it's only the third day and I'm already having to make exceptions. This is a piece I actually did a few months back, just never posted it anywhere. I'm posting it tonite because I had to work overtime today at work, and I'm afraid I won't be able to make any postable progress on current drawings. I was afraid work might get in the way... but things should be slowing down since the holiday has ended, today was seemingly a fluke.

In case you're wondering, I am still working on the Mario tattoo from yesterday, but I would rather wait until it's in a more progressed state before I post it again.

Anywho, If you haven't played Pikmin and own a Wii, you're in luck, cause Nintendo is re-releasing the first game on the Wii, complete with waggle-rific controls. It's a fun, challenging, and unique game. I'm not gonna go on a pitch or review or anything, just pointing it out XD

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