Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Start with Art

Ok, so here we go. I guess not much changed... still working on visually jazzing up the blog, but here's the idea. I'm going to do my darnedest to post my art daily to this blog. Chances are it will be mostly sketches, but trust that I will be working my hardest to post only work I am proud of here.

Not exactly a new or innovative idea, but as an artist at the start of a new leg in life, I think it's important that I keep my craft honed and keep myself passionate about it. Work, the holidays, and other factors have really held me back as far as creative expression, and it's my hope with this blog to shake off the rust and keep myself focused on my passion.

So I hope you all enjoy what you see (all two of you that visit XD) Comments, questions, suggestions are welcome and appreciated!

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